Celebrating 10 Years of Bedford Girls' School
2022 marked 10 years of BGS and 140 years of our heritage schools, Dame Alice Harpur School and Bedford High School.
About Us
The Bedford Girls’ School Alumnae work alongside the Bedford High School Guild and the Dame Alice Harpur School Association to provide the vital link between the present and former pupils and staff of all three Schools. We aim to encourage and foster the development of Bedford Girls' School.
All pupils and staff of Bedford High School and the Dame Alice Harpur School are automatically members of Bedford Girls’ School Alumnae, unless they choose not to be. All new pupils to Bedford Girls’ School gain a lifetime membership on arrival of joining the school, on a one-time subscription basis.
We aim to build a structure which is capable of pro-actively reaching out to our alumnae in a number of different ways, beyond reunions at school, and offering a wider range of activities to benefit members of different ages in diverse communities.
We want our members to feel proud to be part of this group and hope that you too will want to be actively involved.
This is just the start of developing our Alumnae and we will be adding new elements and a calendar of varied events, so please check in regularly to see what is going on.
Click here to register or log-in to update your details.
The Committee
Our committee comprises individuals from all aspects of the school community and includes representation from both the Bedford High School Guild and the Dame Alice Harpur School Association:
The President: Mrs Gemma Gibson, Headmistress
Assistant Head or Deputy Head of the School: Mrs Jane Axford
Director of Finance & Operations: Mr Martin Scobel
Chair: Lady Leech MBE
Treasurer: Miss Charlotte Bryden
Marketing and Development Officer: Mrs Emma MacKenzie
A pupil representative (nominated by the Chairman of the Governors and the President): Tash Miller, Head Girl 2023-2024
A representative of the Bedford High School Guild: Glynda Easterbrook, Hannah Leggott, Pat Eayrs
A representative of the Dame Alice Harpur School Association: Ms Carolynne Peacock
Committee Members: Dr Rachel Langridge, Mrs Susie Mason-Patel, Ms Suzanne Tanser
Ex-Officio Members: Mrs Dorothy Chandler, Miss Jo MacKenzie (Former Headmistress)
The committee meet on a termly basis and hold an Annual General meeting that is open to all members.
To contact The Alumnae Office.