The Fellowship Fund
The Fellowship Fund was started in 1907 by a number of old girls of Bedford High School ‘to advance the education of girls of Bedford High School’ and since that time has been used to help pupils to continue their education by giving financial support. Its founders envisaged the Fellowship Fund as a link between past and present; offering those of the past an opportunity to show their appreciation of the School in a practical way. It was considered an expression of love, loyalty and grateful memory of all the school meant in their lives.
In 2002 the original aims of the Fellowship Fund, were broadened to include old girls of BHS, the constitution was updated and the Fellowship Fund became a Registered Charity (Registered Charity No 1094423). With the merger of Bedford High School with Dame Alice Harpur School the Trustees have, again, updated the aims of the Fund which is now available 'to advance the education of past pupils of Bedford High School and present and past pupils of Bedford Girls’ School'. The Fund can be used for educational purposes in the broadest sense.
The work of the Fund is dependent upon financial support from BHS Guild members and members of Bedford Girls’ School Alumnae and donations are always welcome. Times are such that returns from investments have been relatively low over the past few years and members are urged to consider supporting this very worthwhile charity. The Treasurer would be happy to discuss this and can also supply Gift Aid information and forms. As the fund is not guaranteed a consistently high income it cannot, nowadays, realistically support ongoing fees. However the Trustees are able to make awards to help with GAP year courses, elective studies, vocational and extra curricular projects/courses and are happy to consider applications for amounts normally up to a maximum of £1000.
The Charity is administered by five Trustees who meet three times each year, approximately six weeks before the beginning of each term, to consider applications and present girls of BGS and old girls of BHS and BGS are invited to apply for financial help with projects/courses of an educational nature. Applications should contain a brief description of the project/course for which funding is applied together with supporting letters/literature giving full details. The Trustees will require the dates and duration of the project/course and the TOTAL cost. Details of other funding obtained or applied for are also required. Applications giving the above information, name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and school dates, can be made to either:
Liz Payne
The Treasurer
BHS Guild Fellowship Fund
46 Box End Road
MK43 8RR
Lady Leech MBE
BHS Guild Chair