
The friendships we form at school can last a lifetime. Though we are individuals with our own characters and opinions, our school communities give us a sense of belonging and through The Alumnae we hope you will come together to share your experiences and achievements.

Our aim is to build an engaged community of national and international members who share a commitment to support each other at every stage of their lives.

Please use this section to reconnect with friends or find a special interest group. 

© 2013 Bedford Girls' School

Bedford Girls' School, Cardington Road, Bedford, MK42 0BX Telephone: 01234 361900 | Contact Us | Privacy & Terms

Bedford Girls’ School is part of The Harpur Trust a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England: Company Number: 3475202. Registered Office: Pilgrim Centre, Brickhill Drive, Bedford, MK41 7PZ. Registered Charity Number: 1066861