DAHSA Reunion 2019 - Saturday 14th September 2019
On Saturday 14th September 2019, the annual DAHSA reunion took place for alumnae of all eras. This year the reunion incorporated two mini reunions, the Class of 1994 (who had enjoyed a lunch at The Embankment beforehand) and the Classes of 1972, 1973 and 1974. There was a lot of catching up and many had not been back in to school since they had left.
The general union was well attended with over 100 attendees, with quite a few representing Classes of 1969, 2000 and 2009, along with some former teachers as well as lots of new faces. Guests were able to enjoy a delicious afternoon tea in the Assembly Hall as well as browsing the archives in the Learning Resource Centre.
We were lucky to have a beautiful sunny day and guests were taken on tours of the Junior and Senior School and garden, led by a group of enthusiastic Year 11 and Sixth Form students.
Year of 1962 Visit, Wednesday 4th July 2018
We were delighted to welcome in a group DAHS 1962 leavers into BGS for a tour of the school, followed by a school lunch. The group all became friends on their arrival to DAHS aged 11 (with the exception of one who joined at 13).

Dame Alice Harpur School Alumnae Reunion, Saturday 17th September 2016

The annual Dame Alice Harpur School reunion was held in the Senior School. A record turnout of over 130 old girls, from all eras, enjoyed an afternoon of reminiscing, including a large group of 1984 leavers (pictured) who were catching up over the weekend together.
The alumnae were greeted by a warm welcome from Bedford Girls' School's Marketing and Development Officer, Emma MacKenzie, who gave an update on all the latest school news.
Tours of the School ensued, led by a group of Sixth Formers. The celebrations finished with a delicious afternoon tea and a browse of archive material in the library.
Miss Morse Memorial Service
The Memorial Service for former Headmistress Miss Morse took place on Thursday 21st March at 3.30pm at St. Paul’s Church, Bedford, followed by Afternoon Tea at Bedford Girls’ School. It was a fitting occassion to commemorate the life of a much loved and inspirational headmistress. The event was well attended and provided a wonderful opportunity for shared recollections and a stroll along our Heritage corridor. Thank you to all who came along.
DAHSA Reunion - 3rd July 2011

On Sunday 3rd July we welcomed 350 former pupils and staff back to school for our biggest ever Dame Alice Alumnae Reunion Event!
'Old girls' spanning almost eight decades came back to see Dame Alice for the last time and reminisce with old school friends. As you can imagine there was lots to catching-up to do and the Assembly Hall quickly filled with delighted faces, long-awaited greetings and the sound of laughter.
Guests were treated to a wonderful buffet lunch, drinks reception and tour of the school and its grounds in the beautiful sunshine, giving them a final chance to look around before the transformation into Bedford Girls' School this September.
As part of the event, our alumnae also heard from the last four school Headmistresses about their own memories of school life: Miss Morse (1970-1990), Mrs Randle (1990-2000), Mrs Berry (2000-2010) and Miss MacKenzie (2010-2011). The day concluded with the ceremonial cutting of four different varieties of cakes, each one spelling out DAHS.
You may also be interested to read about the local coverage of the reunion: http://www.bedfordshire-news.co.uk/News/Biggest-ever-old-school-girls-reunion-12072011.htm

Photographs www.shaunarmstrong.com
Back to School for the Class of '91
By Mrs Willis:

On Saturday 12th March, we were delighted to welcome Alison Cameron back to school. Alison and six of her friends, all from the class of 1991, fitted in coffee, cake and a tour of the School before setting off to have a long lunch in Bedford. Angela Bowyer, Phillipa Lamb, Julia Oxley, Susan Peel, Andrea Thompson and Claire Underwood, along with Alison, thoroughly enjoyed visiting parts of the school they recognised as well as being amazed at some of the changes that have taken place since they were here. It was equally fascinating for me to hear their stories and to learn of their careers up to now. Miss Sanders and Miss Chubb also joined the tour and contributed greatly to the stories that were being exchanged!
DAHSA Reunion and AGM
On Saturday 11 September, Dame Alice was host to over 130 former pupils and staff for the annual DAHSA Reunion and Annual General Meeting. Guests were invited to tour the Dame Alice Senior School and the Bedford Girls' School Junior School (in the former Dame Alice Junior School buildings), guided by current Dame Alice girls. Guests ranged from 2008 leavers to leavers from the 1940s, and displays in the library of old uniform, magazines, mementos and photos from each decade provided a fascinating browse through the history of Dame Alice.A wonderful buffet lunch was provided for all guests, girls and staff, and the dining hall resounded with the vibrant chatter of alumnae catching up with one another's news.

Old friends thrilled to meet up once again.

These four 1970s leavers enjoy one another's company.

Two of our more recent leavers catch up with current staff.

Slideshows of archived photos were shown on the library laptops.

The catering staff provided a fantastic buffet lunch, complete with four pudding options!
For more photos of the reunion, visit the Dame Alice Harpur School Alumnae Facebook page.