The Guild
A very warm welcome to the Guild. The Guild is the old girls' association of Bedford High School for Girls which was formed in 1892 when the school was 10 years old. Its aims are 'to promote a feeling of fellowship among past members of the school and to maintain and strengthen the friendship between them and the present school'.
The Guild is a member of AROPS (The Association of Representatives of Old Pupils' Societies) 'to provide a forum for the exchange of views and expereince between representatives of Old Pupils' Societies'.
The Guild Committee
Vice Presidents:
Mrs M E A Kaye
Mrs D M Willis
Miss M Churm
Mrs B Stanley
Mrs G Piotrowska
Mrs J Eldridge
The Committee:
Chairman: Lady Leech MBE
Treasurer: Miss H Leggott
Minuting Secretary: Mrs E MacKenzie (temporary)
Elected and Co-opted Members:
Mrs G Easterbrook
Miss H Leggott
Mrs M Foster
Ex-Officio Members:
Fellowship Fund Treasurer: Miss P Eayrs
Marketing and Development Officer Bedford Girls' School: Mrs E MacKenzie
Guild Chaplain:
Mr P Fricker
We are particularly looking for younger members to join the Guild Committee. If you are interested please contact jeleech@btinternet.com .