The Foundation
The Foundation was established to generate support for bursaries and the capital development of the school by promoting the School’s achievements and aspirations as a centre of education excellence.
It provides every member of the school community - current and past parents, alumnae, friends of the school - an opportunity to financially support projects that will enrich and enhance the educational experience of our pupils. It also enables us to continue to widen access to the excellent education that the school provides by providing bursaries to talented girls whose parents are unable to make the financial commitment required.
The Foundation is a registered charity and is run as a separate entity from the school. It is administered by Trustees who include representatives of the school, parents and former pupils.
Making a gift
Every gift to the Foundation is very much appreciated, no matter what the amount. Quite simply, every gift helps. You can make a single gift by cheque or credit card; or spread it over the year with a standing order or Direct Debit. You can also make a gift of shares, donate regularly through your monthly payroll or you can choose to remember us in your will. What’s more if you are a UK taxpayer at least 25% can be added to the value of your gift, at no extra cost to you through Gift Aid.
For details on how to make a gift, or to find out more about the work of The Foundation, please contact Emma MacKenzie in The Alumnae Office by email alumnae@bedfordgirlsschool.co.uk